Author: aaron

  • Evaluate Inline LaTeX directly in the Editor

    Evaluate Inline LaTeX directly in the Editor

    Today, I added (basic) evaluation of LaTeX expressions to my inline math Block Editor plugin. It even allows setting variables using the x := … syntax.The value of the variable x can then be used to evaluate other LaTeX expressions occurring later. Take a look at the demo video below:

  • More Block Editor Experiments

    More Block Editor Experiments

    In the past days, I played around with tiptap and BlockNote, creating custom extensions and trying to build a good note-taking experience. In the post Experimenting with Block Editors, I already showcased the LaTeX extension I built.I since improved it by quite a bit and also added collapsible blocks:

  • Experimenting with Block Editors

    Experimenting with Block Editors

    Through building my own note taking app I came into contact with quite a few web-based WYSIWYG editors. Rich text editors are famously exceptionally difficult to build. In particular, there appears to be a noticeable gap in related web standards and a bunch of resulting inter-browser or platform compatibility issues. For investigating potential candidates for…

  • PDF Editor: Bug Fixing and Flattened PDF Export

    PDF Editor: Bug Fixing and Flattened PDF Export

    And as a small bonus: Triangulation functions Images in PDF Annotations Excalidraw supports including images (and potentially other files?) in scenes.When testing this feature in my PDF Editor/Annotator, I ran into a nasty problem:For some reason, loading an embedded scene from an SVG does not correctly handle included files. After a lot of testing and…

  • Implementing more PDF Editor Features

    Implementing more PDF Editor Features

    Today, I implemented many more features for the PDF editor. For example, rotating, re-ordering and duplicating pages are now supported (thanks to pdf-lib!). I also fixed many bugs and built a more robust solution to different devicePixelRatios. I experimented with a few different sample PDF files. Furthermore, I isolated the PDF editor as a standalone…

  • Implementing a PDF Editor based on pdfjs

    Implementing a PDF Editor based on pdfjs

    Today I implemented a PDF Editor based on pdfjs, excalidraw and pdf-lib. In the past, I built multiple different PDF-annotators or editors already. They always had a specific new feature-idea or use-case. As PDFs are so commonly used and the web-based libraries for PDFs are quite mature by now, I thought it would be a…

  • Creating Animation Templates with Motion Canvas

    Creating Animation Templates with Motion Canvas

    Today I had a bit more fun with Motion Canvas. My plan was to create simple “templates” that can be used for different stuff. I experimented around and had some trouble as the magic Motion Canvas is doing in the background got in the way. In particular, I did not manage to write a function…

  • Hello world!

    Hello world!

    Hello! This is the beginning. Today I spent a lot of time working. I formalized algorithm steps and made the whole draft I am currently working on significantly more elegant and “well-defined”. In my breaks, I experimented with Motion Canvas ( and created a sample video (see below). It’s really cool! I wish I had…